Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Using script/console with jruby-complete

On my current project, we're trying jruby-complete 1.4.0 in development. I'm new to JRuby. The one thing I haven't liked so far was that I couldn't figure out how to use script/console. What I expected to work didn't:

$ java -Xmx500m -Xss1024k -jar path/to/jruby-complete-1.4.0.jar -S script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.5)
Error opening script file: /Users/cdemyanovich/work/my_project/file:/path/to/jruby-complete-1.4.0.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/bin/jirb (No such file or directory)
Searching Google by several different combinations of terms from my error message proved fruitless. I joined the #jrubyonrails IRC channel on freenode, greeted everyone, asked my question and received an answer from nicksieger in minutes.

$ java -Xmx500m -Xss1024k -jar path/to/jruby-complete-1.4.0.jar -S irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'config/environment'
JRuby limited openssl loaded. gem install jruby-openssl for full support.
=> true
irb(main):002:0> User.count
=> 1
I'm happy to have this oft-used tool working again. If you have any other problems with JRuby, you'll find friendly experts ready, willing and able to help in the #jruby and #jrubyonrails channels on freenode.

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